Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Water Harvesting Technologies in Sudan

Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Water Harvesting Technologies in Sudan

This technical assistance aims to assess current rainwater harvesting technologies in Sudan, evaluate their effectiveness, propose alternative technologies through a comprehensive database, pilot a selected technology (where feasible), and train relevant stakeholders. This includes government officials, researchers, engineers, technicians, farmers, and community members, to enhance existing practices and adopt new technologies.

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Technical Study and Design of Sustainable Measures to Enhance Groundwater Recharge and Water Supply in Doka-Rashid Catchment, Sudan.

Technical Study and Design of Sustainable Measures to Enhance Groundwater Recharge and Water Supply in Doka-Rashid Catchment, Sudan.

The study aimed to respond to the increasing domestic water supply demand by the recent influx of refugees from Ethiopia as well as the growing agriculture sector water needs.

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Strengthening Drought Resilience for Smaller Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD region, Alsalam locality, Sudan

Strengthening Drought Resilience for Smaller Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD region, Alsalam locality, Sudan

The study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of surface and groundwater resources in Al Salam locality, White Nile State, Sudan

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Water and Energy for Food (WE4F), Sudan: Supporting Innnovative SMEs

Water and Energy for Food (WE4F), Sudan: Supporting Innnovative SMEs

As part of its involvement in the WE4f project, RICOS provided a range of valuable services in support of energy and food businesses.

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Complementary Irrigation for Smallholder Farmers: Doka-Rashid, Sudan

Complementary Irrigation for Smallholder Farmers: Doka-Rashid, Sudan

RICOS provided the following services for the IOM IGAD COVID response project.

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Provision of Engineering Services for Sustainable WASH Services for Refugees, IDPs and Host Communities in the East Africa (R-WASH programme)

Provision of Engineering Services for Sustainable WASH Services for Refugees, IDPs and Host Communities in the East Africa (R-WASH programme)

The project aims to improve social cohesion in conflict affected areas and communities through improved water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. In Sudan, RICOS provided multiple engineering services for host communities and refugee camps in Kassala state

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Carbon Credit-financed Reforestation and Clean Cooking Feasibility Studies

Carbon Credit-financed Reforestation and Clean Cooking Feasibility Studies

The study assesses suitable irrigation and develops carbon credit business cases to support reforestation and clean cooking programs in climate-vulnerable refugee situation.

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